° pixelkraut.net
on the discs, you will
find the following files:
all 123 news clips featured in the installation in Quicktime format
a folder with all the patches for MAX/MSP and a readme file. Please
follow these instructions first.
the MAX/MSP - Jitter patch used for the final installation (deniz
screens_joystick_random.0.8.2.pat). You can download it here
how to use the patch:
start up MAX/MSP and Jitter (some issues have been reported using
Jitter in connection with Quicktime 7, so please roll back to 6.5
should you have problems running the Jitter libraries)
In MAX/MSP, go to "Options"/ "File preferences" and specify the
flolders in which the news-clips are located. Since the patch depends
on three different video sources and the folders are organized
according to their origin of content (US/UK/Middle East), you need to
specify the folder location for each of them, such as "G:/[project
files]/[project vids]/compressed/UK/"
Now you need to start up the joystick patches for the interface. This
is done by first selecting the device to use (make sure the drivers for
the joystick are installed properly and are recognized by the OS) and
then hit "start" on the field which says "start/stop polling the
device". A quick pressing of buttons as well as moving the stick or
navigation pad should indicate via the bang messages that flash whether
or not this has been done successfully.
Once this is done, you need to enable the two videomixers below each
joystick patch. Just click on "start/stop" below the line which says
"SimpleVidMix 1" After that, it is necessary to enable the final output
window which can be found at the very bottom of the patch. The two
seperate video windows are combined via a patch cable into a single
"jit.xfade" object. Please make sure the float number box on
the right top of the object is set to "0.5". This way, the overlay of
each single videosource will be even.
As a last step before play, please enable the fullscreen mode for the
final output window. The object for this can be found on the left top
of the "jit.xfade" object, cointaining the tag "fullscreen $1"
Each joysitck control unit has access to three different video
sources and with the analogue stick or navigation cross you can
determine the degree of overlay between the three different sources,
merging them together into one single picture. The clips themselves can
be changed for each single source by either pressing the A,B or C
button. For the sake of simplicity of use, the choice of loading new
clips is bound by random distribution and the user him- or herself will
have no direct way of choosing a favourite clip.
If two players merge their own sequences, the final result is
displayed in an overlay of each single compostion player 1 and 2 create.