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special thanks to all the people who helped me on the project:

Tim Riecke for his never-ceasing efforts in helping me getting my head around MAX/MSP and his active contribution

Georg Weber for explaining the difference in the header information to me concerning MPEG-2 files recorded via DVB

Beverly Jan Geesin for co-hosting this domain as well as her creative, theoretical and aesthetic input and support no matter what the odds were.

Dan Schoenblum for his 'joystick' patch he created for MAX/MSP that really came in handy as well as his active support via email

Ian Kirk for his patience and active input from the earliest stages of the project to what it has become right now

Jennifer 'Maude' Colville for her hospitality and the chance to let me use her DVB receiver for the recordings as well as intellectual reflection

Luciana Parisi for her constructive criticism on the theoretical side

Olga Llamas for her proactive contribution and support as well as her curating efforts for the graduate show

The people at Square Enix for their kind hardware support and logistics